Friday, 14 September 2007


Back home - one of those days which makes you think you're going to pay for this in the next life it's so good.
What I don't want to come back as is a rabbit. They harvested all the fields that run down to the Dee marshes- everything golden and rolling towards the river, the colour of honey under a low sun. A few hundred geese are gleaning the fields, mainly Canadas but with few natives. To avoid putting them up I have to constantly change course with two dogs. The spaniel knows his limitations- these are out of his league but the LabradorX not so much. Perhaps both sides, dog and goose, carry a gene from across the ocean that responds to each. What to do? Try to leave them to feed in peace, or give them a real good fright by running at them with two yapping dogs so they get the message: I don't have a gun but somethings that look like me do. Don't get friendly. Don't forget to post look-outs.
Six buzzards over the unworkable bits of marsh. Too many even for the rooks to put up resistance- they go back to the tops of the oaks from where they can shout abuse safely.
Not a single rabbit out here today. The buzzards take a pass over the spaniel- small, well-fed, brown- it's a mistake anyone could make.
Rabbits might be in short supply soon and Jem will definitely have to watch himself. Up Pipers Lane there were rabbits sitting out in the sun, not caring if they became a meal for dog or buzzard- probably would have welcomed it. There's myxomatosis about- a nasty slow death. Everything out there needs to keep in mind even a woman without a gun can kill.
So here's to that good lady who invented this neat little killer disease! May you come back as a rabbit.